Analyzing animal movements without programming skills

Collecting animal movement data has become increasingly important, especially in the field of wildlife behaviour research and conservation. To support users in easily and efficiently analyzing the enormous amounts of data that are generated, the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior developed the open-source platform MoveApps, that can be used for free after registration.
The platform enables researchers and wildlife managers to process, analyze and visualize complex movement data – entirely without complex programming. MoveApps is an empowerment tool that gives users easy access to analytical modules provided by the community of movement analysis code developers. These so-called Apps can be selected in the modular system as needed to create workflows with just a few clicks. Once a workflow has been compiled, users can make it available for others by publishing it in the Movebank Data Repository, which is maintained by the Communication, Information and Media Centre (KIM) of the University of Konstanz.
MoveApps is an open-source analysis platform for animal movement data that is hosted by the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior (MPI-AB) and that can be used for free after registration.
Movebank is a free, online database of animal tracking data hosted by the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior. It helps animal tracking researchers to manage, share, protect, analyze and archive their data.