Moments of arrival

Picture 1: 6 November 2018 | Professor Dr Kerstin Krieglstein speaks in a full lecture hall at philosophy professor Wolfgang Spohn’s farewell celebration.
Picture 2: 6 November 2018 | Lother Pinno, director of Scientific Engineering Services, gives Rector Professor Dr Kerstin Krieglstein a tour of the facilities.
Picture 1: 21 November 2018 | “How does university management promote an entrepreneurial culture in their institutions?” – opening discussion for the network event “Start Up Stories” with Theresia Bauer (Minister of Science), Professor Dr Carsten Manz (President of the HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences) and Professor Dr Kerstin Krieglstein.
Picture 2: 10 December 2018 | “Planet der Behüteten” (planet of the sheltered ones), artwork by Peter Unsicker, was installed in Professor Dr Kerstin Krieglstein’s office by master carpenter Georg Ritzi.
Picture 1: 8 November 2018 | Professor Dr Kerstin Krieglstein (3rd from left) discusses sustainable development at the University of Konstanz with the Green Office (from left: Carolin Görlach, Ilmari Thömmes-Jeltsch, (Ms Krieglstein), Natalie Kern, Christine Mellau, Luisa Hoffmann)
Picture 2: 9 November 2018 | Rector Kerstin Krieglstein welcomes 230 teachers to the first phase of the new adult education study programme Computer Science/IMP (computer science, mathematics, physics) at the University of Konstanz.
Picture 1: 19 October 2018 | Guests at Dies academicus: Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Science, Theresia Bauer (at left) inducts Rector Kerstin Krieglstein (centre) into office. Nese Erikkli, University of Konstanz alumna and Green party delegate to the state’s Landtag for the Konstanz municipality, also attended the event.
Picture 2: 18 October 2018 | Thanks to Scientific Engineering Services: Georg Ritzi delivers the stand for a stone from Freiburg’s Münster (cathedral) that Professor Dr Kerstin Krieglstein was given as a going-away present before coming to Konstanz.
Picture 1: 30 August 2018 | A peek into the research lab: Rector Professor Dr Kerstin Krieglstein visits the research team of biologiest Professor Elke Deuerling.
Picture 2: 13 October 2018 | A taste of university life: Professor Dr Kerstin Krieglstein introduces parents of new students to the University of Konstanz campus.
Picture 1: 10 October 2018 | The first joint meeting: Professor Kerstin Krieglstein and the members of the University Council and the Rectorate.
Picture 2: 4 September 2018 | Arriving by bus: Professor Dr Kerstin Krieglstein regularly uses public transport for her commute to the university.
Bild 3: 9 October 2018 | A visit to the botanical gardens: Professor Dr Kerstin Krieglstein is accompanied by (from left) Professor Christof Hauck, head of the Department of Biology, Dr Roland Kissmehl, director of the departmental administration, along with Professor Mark von Kleunen and Dr Gregor.
Picture 1: 27 September 2018 | “I am delighted to see what the University of Konstanz has achieved”: Rector Kerstin Krieglstein is interviewed in the inner courtyard of the university after the funding decision on the Clusters of Excellence.
Picture 2: 27 September 2018 | Decision about Excellence funding: Rector Kerstin Krieglstein and Mayor Uli Burchardt celebrate the success of the cluster initiatives Collective Behaviour and Inequality together with many university members.
Picture 3: 27 September 2018 | A joyful moment: Professor Dr Kerstin Krieglstein and other university members take in the results of the Clusters of Excellence competition (one funding line of the Excellence Strategy).
Picture 1: 20 September 2018 | On good terms with our regional partners: Rector Kerstin Krieglstein during her meeting on Mainau Island with Graf Björn Bernadotte, President of the University of Konstanz Society (UGK), Dr Dagmar Schmieder, honorary senator and member of the UGK steering committee, as well as Lisa-Sophia Friedrich-Schmieder and Paul-Georg Friedrich-Schmieder.
Picture 2: 11 September 2018 | Picture in a picture: Kerstin Krieglstein during her photo shoot with Béla Koch (chair of the student union (AStA)).
Picture 1: 29. August 2018 | Professor Kerstin Kriegelstein and Professor Priska Sieber speak during the rector's first visit to the Thurgau University of Teacher Education (PHTG).
Picture 2: 12 September 2018 | Professor Kerstin Krieglstein thanks Professor Reingard M Nischik during her farewell celebration for her many years of service at the University of Konstanz.
Picture 3: 4 September 2018 | First visit to the city hall: Rector Kerstin Krieglstein and Mayor Uli Burchardt pledge to continue the successful collaboration between the university and the city of Konstanz.
Picture 4: The rector presents a new junior professor with his certificate of appointment: Dr Stephan Streuber has joined the Department of Computer and Information Science to advance the area of Virtual Reality for Animal Collectives.
Picture 5: New informatics professor: Professor Sabine Storandt is the university's new W3 Professor of Algorithmics. Our rector Professor Kerstin Krieglstein takes the opportunity for a brief chat while presenting her with her appointment certificate.
Picture 1: 20 August 2018 | In conversation: Professor Kerstin Krieglstein with the staff of the Rector's Office.
Picture 2: 22 August 2018 | Forming a perspective: Professor Kerstin Krieglstein discusses upcoming appointments with her assistant Esther Schallenberg.
Picture 3: 15 August 2018 | New coat of paint: Paintwork is carried out in Professor Kerstin Krieglstein's office.
Bild 4: 24 August 2018 | New culinary horizons: Professor Krieglstein during one of her first lunch breaks at the canteen.
Picture 1: 27 July 2018 | A grand gesture: During his farewell party, the departing rector Professor Ulrich Rüdiger hands his chain of office over to the new rector, Professor Kerstin Krieglstein.
Picture 2: 20 August 2018 | A warm welcome: Professor Kerstin Krieglstein's first day in her new office, which is currently being redecorated.
Picture 3: 22 August 2018| Flashback: The foundation stone for the "Center for Visual Computing of Collectives" (VCC) – a cutting-edge research centre for the study of swarm and collective behaviour at the University of Konstanz – was laid on 24 July 2018. To better acquaint herself with the university, Professor Krieglstein already visited the campus in July and was happy to take part in this event.