Understanding historical sources from the Mediterranean region

To understand historical connections, it is important to view, analyze and contextualize historical sources. "Transmediterranean History" is an open access anthology of excerpts of historical texts from the transmediterranean region dating back to the period between 600 and 1650.
All articles in the journal have a uniform structure and provide the original version of historical excerpts as well as translations and commentary in German, English or Arabic. They also include background information on the authors, the works and the content. In conclusion, the authors analyze, interpret and contextualize the respective source text within the wider framework of transmediterranean relations.
The journal is published twice per year by historians Daniel G. König, Eric Böhme (both from the University of Konstanz) and Theresa Jäckh (Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen).
The journal "Transmediterranean History" is available free of charge. The articles are published in German, English or Arabic.