The art of sharks

Turquoise blue sea, fine sandy beaches and impressive photos of sharks and schools of fish – sounds like an adventurous vacation, but is above all one fascinating research topic of the University of Konstanz's Cluster of Excellence "Collective Behaviour".
© Angela Albi

Together with her colleagues Luke Costello and August Paula, biologist Angela Albi from the Cluster of Excellence "Collective Behaviour" at the University of Konstanz travelled to the Maldives. On this excursion, they observed the hunting strategies of blacktip reef sharks and the reactions of schools of fish in coral reefs and documented their discoveries using various media, such as (360°) videos, photos, sketches and scientific data measurements.

Back in Konstanz, they met up with art and design students from the Merz Akademie in Stuttgart, who used the material from the research trip as the basis for their art project: combining different types of media and using photos, illustrations, (360°) videos and scientific data for interactive storytelling. The result is an exhibition that users can experience interactively in virtual reality.

The exhibition was presented at the University of Konstanz on 6 February 2025.

Sigrid Elmer

By Sigrid Elmer - 11.02.2025